From People Pleasing to Personal Power

Breaking Free from People Pleasing with The Wheel of Consent

Written by Sian Johnson

I’m passionate about helping men and their partners navigate the beautiful complexities of intimacy, desire, and relationships. As a Bodyworker and Sex Coach, I blend innovation with a holistic approach, considering not just the physical body but also the mind, heart, and soul. My goal is to create a safe space where genuine connections and transformations can happen.

October 16, 2024

If you’ve ever identified as the ‘nice guy’ or ‘nice girl,’ chances are you’ve been caught in the habit of prioritising others’ needs, desires, or expectations over your own.

This is the murky world of people pleasing.

Being kind and caring is a wonderful trait, but when people pleasing becomes a chronic pattern driven by the need to be liked, avoid conflict, or get validation, it can come at a huge cost to your own well-being. It drains your energy, chips away at your authenticity, and erodes your self-worth. Over time, it can lead to feelings of resentment, frustration and burnout. Trust me — I’ve been there!

But there is another way.

Breaking free from people pleasing takes self-awareness, the courage to say “no,” and the ability to recognise and honour your own needs. For me, The Wheel of Consent was a game-changer — it has given me invaluable skills to break free from people pleasing, step into personal empowerment, and create more authentic relationships.

It’s totally changed my life and how I relate with others. Which is why I want to share it with you too!

I invite you to join me for Breaking Free from People Pleasing with The Wheel of Consent, a one-day workshop in Leeds designed to help you release the habits of ‘going along with,’ ‘second guessing,’ and ‘people pleasing’ — and start honouring yourself.

This workshop will help you better understand patterns of behaviour that leave you exhausted, such as agreeing to things you don’t truly want, doubting your own needs, or prioritising others’ desires over your own. 

Through gentle and practical exercises using non-sexual, fully clothed touch, you’ll learn how to access your body’s wisdom and notice what feels right for you in any moment.

You’ll gain tools to express your needs with clarity, compassion and confidence, while also respecting the boundaries of others.

Whether you’re completely new to consent work or already have experience, this workshop is perfect for those looking to break free from old patterns and create healthier, more empowering connections with others.

Join me on Saturday 23rd November and take the first step toward a more empowered, authentic version of you.

Find out more about: Breaking Free from People Pleasing with The Wheel of Consent

See all my upcoming events