Unlock Your Fullest Sexual Potential and Experience the Sex Life You Deserve

The Sexual Empowerment Programme will revolutionise your sex life and promises to be a catalyst for lasting change for your erotic and & relational life.

For Men and Couples


“What you have taught me is invaluable and literally life-changing, and I will be forever grateful to you for this.”

– Rajan Aged 28

A better sex life can exist! You just need help getting there!

You’ll know from overcoming life challenges, moving from fear and uncertainty into success and achievement that the things that matter take time and focus to transform, here I offer you a new challenge: to step up into the world of transformational sex coaching.

With my Sexual Empowerment Programme you can achieve the same levels of success in your sex life as you have in your professional life.

My Sexual Empowerment Programme is specifically crafted for men ready to overcome sexual challenges.

Whether it’s breaking free from unsatisfying habits, revitalising low libido, or enhancing arousal, I offer a proven path to improved sexual well-being.

Discover the powerful benefits and real success stories from men just like you who have reclaimed their sexual confidence.

Unleash Your Power: Navigate and Master Sexual Challenges with Confidence!

  • Break free from unsatisfying porn and fantasy habits
  • Elevate your masturbation techniques for a more fulfilling experience
  • Overcome challenges with low libido and arousal
  • Heal from body, sexual, or relationship trauma
  • Navigate sexual inexperience with confidence
  • Conquer the fear of intimacy
  • Work with your body to master your premature ejaculation
  • Experience conscious choice and reach ejaculation freedom
  • Move from erectile dysfunction to Enhanced Erectile Satisfaction
  • Learn advanced sexual techniques
  • Boost sexual confidence in intimate moments
  • Embrace and celebrate your sexual journey, regardless of late virginity
  • Recover from the aftermath of a difficult relationship or prepare for a new one
  • Returning to sex and intimacy after bereavement and loss

Don’t just navigate your sexual challenges – conquer them with my Sexual Empowerment Programme.

Client Success Story

“I worked with Sian on the Sexual Empowerment Programme with 20 hours of face-to-face sessions over 7 months, plus time for homework and practice of new techniques between each session. It has been the greatest, most revelatory, confidence-building, and empowering 7 months I could have ever wished for. I feel more empowered, confident, and comfortable in my intimacy than ever before and my new relationship is blossoming better than I could have wished for too. If you are in any doubt about your intimacy, for whatever reason, please come and see Sian. It has done so much for me, and it really can for you too.”

Whatever you are going through, you are not broken!

.You’ve worked hard to achieve your dreams and found success, but something isn’t quite right sexually and you want solutions that support you to reach your goals.

You’re not broken—you just need the right support. No matter your current challenges, our Sexual Empowerment Programme is here to help you thrive.

I want to help you achieve the same sort of success in your intimate life as you have in your professional life

I’m Sian Johnson an Online Sex Coach for Men and Couples, For almost a decade I have specialised in both studying and teaching Tantra and Tantric Massage, Sexological Bodywork, Sexual Consent, Psychotherapy, and science-based approaches to sex and intimacy.

As a professional member of the Association of Sexological Bodyworkers and the Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists, I specialise in empowering men to achieve their sexual goals and to enhance their sexual vitality, joy and freedom.

My approach is rooted in love and passion, guiding you to unlock your inherent masculine power and sexual potential. Whether it’s mastering arousal, rejuvenating desire, or revitalising long-term relationships, I help you tap into your own wisdom—without prescribing how to ‘be a man.’ Join me in discovering a more fulfilling sexual identity.

The main aim is to discover your distinct sexual expression and pleasure, nurturing intimacy within yourself before sharing it with your partner.

Hitting midlife doesn’t have to mean the end of your sexual desires, you just have to learn how to overcome some of the challenges that are preventing you from enjoying sex the way you used to.

Maybe your sex life is on the wane, or you are wondering how you can sustain your intimacy and relationships as you move into the next phase of your life.

Embracing Your True Masculine & Sexual Power

My programme isn’t about telling you who to be but instead helps you to unlock your innate and true masculine power.

It’s designed to unleash your genuine strength and presence, transforming you into the calm, centred, and confident partner you’re meant to be.

Discover irresistible, powerful practices that free you from limitations, and enhance your expression of your own unique and authentic masculinity.

This authenticity not only fulfils your desires, but it will revitalise your relationship and attract the partners that are right for you.

It’s aim is to help you feel as empowered, successful and satisfied in your intimate life as you do in other areas of life, and if there are other areas of your life you aren’t happy with then pleasure can act as a catalyst for change.

Step into your full sexual potential today!

This Course is Unique

If you’re seeking a quick fix with a handful of sex tricks and techniques, then this program is not right for you.

If you aim to acquire quick-fix shortcuts for sexual difficulties or for attracting partners, this isn’t the path we’ll be taking.

And if you’re looking for a program that defines your masculinity and expects you to conform to someone else’s model, that’s not what I offer either.

Unlike many sexual programmes out there, this is a holistic mind, body and soul approach. Why? Because if you are experiencing sexual dissatisfaction, then there is most likely more going on than you not being able to control when you cum or whether you can stay hard during sex.

The Sexual Empowerment Programme supports you to explore what is getting in the way to the kind of sex life you want and how to move through that.

This programme is about making sure you can achieve the same sort of potential, experience and joy in your intimate life as you have in other areas of your life. And age will not be a barrier to this.

This is about cultivating genuine respect for yourself, and your whole self, and fostering a sense of awe and grace in the realms of sexual and relational intimacy.

Which is why this unique, one of a kind programmes offers endless opportunities for transformation.

My Journey

My journey in understanding sexuality, embodiment and neurobiology began through Tantra and into Sexological Bodywork, The Wheel of Consent and Psychotherapy.

I hold a deep respect for rigorous scientific principles and the ancient wisdom from Tantric and Taoist traditions.

Everything I offer is grounded in research, evidence, and experience.

And your journey is unique to you; it is a journey from where you are now to where you want to be.

Engaging, Authentic, Easy to Use Content

Experience sexual empowerment like never before—immerse yourself in our comprehensive programme featuring video sessions, audio guides, and written content, and if you choose it, live one-to-one sessions with me, all designed to enhance your intimate life.

Observe real-time coaching with individuals, couples, and in workshops, showcasing effective techniques in action.

This program equips you with holistic tools for the mind, body, and soul, helping you overcome physical, mental, and emotional barriers in the bedroom.

The Comprehensive Course Breakdown:

Unveiling Your Path to Sexual Mastery

In this transformative 3-stage journey, comprising 18 meticulously crafted modules, you’ll be granted access to a treasure trove of wisdom sourced from the latest scientific discoveries and profound Tantric and Taoist traditions.

Not to mention the cutting-edge insights from the realms of sexology, neurobiology, coaching, consent, trauma studies, and psychotherapy.

Drawn from decades of personal growth, deep layers of training and working with thousands of men in one-on-one sessions, I’ve distilled this wealth of knowledge into a potent toolkit.

Transformative Practices, Not Just Techniques

Within these modules, you’ll discover over 150 practices, each designed to facilitate your transformation into the sexual connoisseur you aspire to be.

These aren’t just techniques; they’re your keys to your sexual evolution and lasting change.


Sexuality Beyond Technique

And here’s the secret: sex isn’t merely a sequence of techniques; it’s a psychological dance. It’s shaped by your psyche, your upbringing, and your lifelong sexual habits.

That’s why, in this programme, you will delve deeper. I don’t just teach sexual practices; I guide you in unravelling limiting beliefs and shedding the shackles of social and cultural conditioning surrounding your sexuality and your masculinity.


The Power of Consistent Practice

Remember, true mastery comes from practice—repeated practice. My online platform offers you a convenient lifetime, on-demand access, enabling you to cultivate your sexual prowess within the sanctuary of your own home.

Unlocking Your Psyche

My programme is designed to address the underlying psychology of your sexual encounters. It’s about evolving not just what you do during sex, but who you are before, during, and after.

Your Roadmap to Sexual Fulfilment

The Opening Session: Unlock Your Best Sex Life!

Start Your Path to Empowerment with a Free Consultation Call. This is followed up with either an online or in-person 2-hour Opening Session, giving you a firsthand experience of the Sexual Empowerment Programme.

Then we will dive into the unique realm of holistic Sex Coaching, which blends psychological insights with practical body-based exercises.

This introduction is designed to ease any apprehensions, preparing you for your transformational experience.


Develop a trusting, truthful, supportive, and professional therapeutic relationship.


Delve Into your sexual history, where you are now and where you want to be.


Change your current masturbation techniques.


Challenge your attitudes to and assumptions about sex – most of which you are probably not aware of, because, let’s face it, few of us are until we embark on this kind of journey!


Develop an awareness of your resistance to pleasure (yes, that’s a real thing!) and working with these rather than ignoring or suppressing them.


Explore embodiment, touch, and sensation.


Expand your pleasure capacity by identifying and moving through pleasure blocks and pleasure thresholds.


Discover new touch techniques and heart connection through intimacy.

After the Opening Session, you will enrol in the programme and start your transformative journey towards fulfilling your deepest desires. There are 3 stages:

Stage 1: The Empowered Self-Pleasure Sessions

An unparalleled opportunity to learn and relearn the kind of stuff about your body, your arousal, and how to experience more pleasure in and for yourself. How to love yourself in more than one sense.

There is truth in the saying:

“I cannot truly love another until I love myself.”  And in my experience, this works for sex, intimacy and relationships too. “I cannot truly pleasure another until I know how to pleasure myself”

This might sound counterintuitive but trust me, there are few things more attractive to a woman than a man who knows who he is, who truly lives his own sexual mastery, and who embodies his sexual energy with his healthy masculine power.

These 6 modules are the beginning of a transformational journey that will help you to get there.

During this Stage 1 you will:


Get clear about what you want to gain from your masturbation and self-touch.


Understand how arousal works in your mind, body, and nervous systems.


Explore the difference between mind-based and body-based arousal.


Explore Orgasmic Yoga practices.


Improve your self-touch techniques.


Break old habits in thought patterns, language and your self-touch.


Gain insights into masculinity and patriarchy, how these impact you and those around you.


Identify, honour (rather than judge) and work with your resistances.


Cultivate Sustained Sexual Arousal.


Practice ancient Taoist and Tantra practices alongside the latest in scientific understandings.


Become more aware of your body as a source of pleasure.


Improve your body image and body confidence.


Awaken (or reawaken) your senses.


Practice Tantric principles of breath, movement and sound.


Improve your placement of attention, and presence, and quiet the mind.


Honour yourself, notice your needs and make choices that work for you.


Expand your capacity for sensation and pleasure.


Examine embarrassment and shame and how these influence your sexual expression and impact your wider life.


Unpack Man Myths and find freedom in who you truly are.

Masturbation Coaching

Stage 2: Empowered Connection with Women

In celebrating everything you have discovered about yourself and your growing sexual confidence and self-empowerment gained during Stage 1, it’s time to step into Empowered Connection with Women. 

These 6 modules offer you a unique opportunity to learn the theory and the practical skills you need to be an outstanding lover of women. 

During Stage 2 you will: 


Test your newfound sexual self-confidence while in connection with a woman.


Identify why, besides orgasm, you want to have sex.


Gain more insight into what women want and women's desires.


Practice moving into physical, emotional and sexual connection with a woman without losing yourself.


Explore embodied consent for you and her.


Move beyond second-guessing and people-pleasing.


Cultivate better communication and connection with women inside and outside of sexual intimacy.


Discover the joy of exquisite presence with yourself and with her .


Challenge traditional expectations around sexual connection and intimacy.


Receive honouring Lingam Massage.


Demystify women's bodies and patterns of arousal.


Understand how arousal works in her mind, body and nervous systems.


Learn and practice a broad spectrum of specific sex techniques.


Create sacred spaces for intimacy.


Understand the dynamics of and reframing of rejection.


Manage your anxiety, mind chatter and performance anxiety.


Rediscover playfulness and fun in your intimacy.


Understand conflict, rupture and empowering repair.


Explore Tantric erotic massage.


Learn the art of honouring Yoni Massage.

Empowered Connection with Women can support you with:


Understanding a woman's body and process of arousal.


Undoing performance anxiety.


Managing your own arousal.


Platonic touch versus erotic touch.


Erotic touch techniques.


Communication, consent, boundaries and agreements.


Improve body image issues and penis size.


Understanding and satisfying your partner.


Learning how to pleasure a woman.


General and specific touch techniques to drive her wild.

Client Love

Stage 3: The Empowered Intimacy Sessions

Bring together the confidence and advanced skills you have gained so far; everything you have learned about what feels good for your own body, and what feels good in connection with a woman. Now it’s time to step into The Empowered Intimacy Sessions.

If you have ever struggled to know what to do or feel immense sexual performance pressure or experience anxiety at the point of entry, this now becomes your greatest adventure.

These 6 modules offer you a unique opportunity to practice what you’ve learned from earlier stages, so that you can move through your persistent obstacles and experience the choiceful, authentic, erotic connection and sexual mastery that you set out to achieve.

In this stage you will:


Enhance your communication in intimacy.


Practice techniques to stay present during arousal.


Navigate mismatch desires.


Discover anal pleasure.


Navigate unpredictable erections and soft cock love.


Drop the usual sex fears and baggage that accompanies sexual intimacy.


Create safe and sacred times and spaces.


Explore fantasies free of shame and understand the impact they have on your intimacy.


Understand afterglow and aftercare.


Experience Tantric ritual, Yab Yum, and Tantric intimacy.


Explore mind-blowing oral sex.


Practice penetration including stillness, thrusting techniques, and presence.


Practice hot and cold arousal.


Practice choiceful ejaculation.


Cultivate and share orgasmic energy.


Explore different ways of relating including attachment styles.


Accentuate and luxuriate in the post-orgasmic bliss.


Explore the essentials of dating: communication, flirting, rejection, consent and boundaries.

The Closing Session: Celebrate Your Transformation!

You’ve been on a journey from making that first tentative call, to setting your intention to transforming your erotic landscape to completing your final sessions.

Now you are invited to join a final 1-hour Closing Session.

This Closing Session offers an opportunity for you to spend some time with me, reviewing and integrating the journey from where you were, to where you are at now, and where you are going next.

Looking back:
We will revisit your intention statement, which you made in the early stages of your journey. We can reflect on some key moments, learnings, or turning points for you during your travels through the programme.

In the here and now:
We will take stock of where you are at the close of your programme and celebrate your transformed you in the here and now.

Looking to the future:
We can look at what, if any, techniques, resources, or support you may need going forward. And we will identify what ongoing choices you have in sustaining your newfound Sexual Empowerment into your life.

And in celebrating your journey, we can share appreciation and bring our therapeutic relationship to an honouring close.

Packages to meet your needs


Navigate your learning journey your way


Free Consultation Call to apply


Access to full online course


Self-directed learning at your pace


100% money back guarantee


Optional pre-commitment 2-hour Opening Session online


Additional coaching hours if needed/desired

Investment £550


Dive into personalised online coaching


Free Consultation Call to apply


Access to full online course


Self-directed learning at your pace


12 hours of online coaching


Closing Session


100% money back guarantee


Optional pre-commitment 2-hour Opening Session online


Additional coaching hours if needed/desired

Investment £2,550


Immerse yourself in exclusive bespoke in-person sessions


Free Consultation Call to apply


Access to full online course


Self-directed learning at your pace


6 hours of online coaching


12 hours of 1:1 in-person coaching hours


18 hours of expert coaching in total


Includes live practice through Sexual Partner Surrogacy


Closing Session


100% money back guarantee


Optional 2-hour Opening Session in person or online


Additional online coaching hours if needed/desired


Additional in-person coaching hours if needed/desired

Investment £4,950

I operate from a sex-positive perspective, encouraging healthier attitudes towards sex and sexuality.

My goal is to contribute to a world where we undo the negative impacts of oppression and patriarchy, allowing individuals of all genders to authentically express their relationship needs and sexual desires. I do this as a woman using my skilled training, my professional experience and my love for men.

My values include non-judgment, compassion, professionalism, trust, consent, kindness integrity and respect. These values will shape the very foundation of our sessions.

In this space, every aspect of you is welcome without judgement or shame.

Our relationship is built on trust, creating a safe environment for your sexual journey.

Coaching sessions are an invitation for experiential learning, incorporating conversation, exploration, touch, pleasure, and playfulness.

I am dedicated to providing a safe place where you can freely explore your experiences without pressure to please or perform.

Where you can shift your focus from the mind to the body. You will be actively supported to notice, trust, and communicate what is happening within you at any moment.

I will assist you in recognising and expressing your needs, encouraging choices based on the wisdom of your body.

By engaging in this work together, we will aim to manifest foster a richer, more authentic, life for you, that takes you beyond the vision you have chosen for yourself into a life of sexual, relational confidence and connected lives.

Unleash Unprecedented Sexual Mastery!

Imagine a life where your sexual prowess not only skyrockets but becomes a catalyst for an extraordinary existence.

My sex coaching transcends mere physical improvements, and mirrors how you might approach the transformative principles of fitness training.

Like sculpting muscles enhances your physical strength, my coaching focuses on discovering and elevating your sexual potency, while cultivating a profound sense of balance, self-care, and self-acceptance.

Investing in your sexual fitness isn’t just about boosting performance; it’s about creating a more fulfilling and vibrant sex life that resonates through your body, mind, and soul.

Experience a journey of personal authenticity that radiates from within, transforming your relationships and attracting individuals who thrive on mutual support, kindness, and empowerment.

Embark on a path to unparalleled sexual mastery and discover a life where extraordinary satisfaction becomes the new norm.

Now Is Your Time For Sexual Fulfilment

Now is the time to seize control of your sexual journey and unlock a world of pleasure and confidence.

My Sexual Empowerment Programme is an opportunity to revolutionise your intimate life. Picture yourself breaking free from old patterns, embracing newfound confidence, and igniting passion like never before.

Don’t miss out on the chance to transform your relationships and experience the joy of sexual fulfilment. 

Act now, as spaces will fill out fast. Your journey to sexual empowerment begins today!

Take the next step in your Sexual Empowerment Journey

eStart your journey with Complimentary Call tailored just for you. In this private and non-judgmental session, we’ll dive into your expectations from our personalised sex coaching, address all your queries, and discover how well my services match your objectives.

The Therapeutic Relationship

One of the benefits of choosing my programme is the relationship that can develop between you and me.

Having a strong therapeutic relationship is an essential part of this whole process. Most hurt is created in a relationship, and it is in a relationship where compassion, empathy, acceptance, and healing can happen.

You are not here just to learn better fingering techniques or how to last longer in bed, though this may be part of your learning.

There will be challenges; physical, psychological, and emotional. And the key to this is navigating the healing relationship between you and me.

So, you can see how important it is, to be as sure as you can, that this programme is right for you.

Therefore, after your initial Complimentary Call, you will be invited to a 2-hour Opening Session, so you get a great sense of how it is to work together in this unique and holistic way.

More Client Love

“I went to Sian to get help to unlock my psychological potential. Sian has a vast knowledge of her domain and above all I have found her very kind and as a great listener. She listened to me patiently to get an understanding about how she can help me and then explained how we may proceed; she offers her courses both online and in person which is another great advantage for me. I highly recommend Sian if anyone having any Psychophysical issues like me.”

What kind of results can you expect?

Sex coaching mirrors the principles of fitness training, yes there are physical improvements, enhancing your sexual prowess, much like how you’d build muscle strength and tone through exercise. Yet, beyond the physical gains, this coaching aims for balance, promoting self care, self acceptance and personal vitality. 

Just as you invest in your physical fitness for a healthier life, training your sexuality can lead to a more fulfilling and vibrant sex life, encompassing your body, your mind and your soul.

It is this sense of personal authenticity that radiates from you, enhancing your relationships and drawing more of the kind of people into your life where mutual support, kindness and empowerment becomes the norm.

Are you ready to take your first step on your journey to Sexual Empowerment?


Who is this Programme for?

This is sex training for men aged 20 to 90 who know that a better sex life can exist for them but need some guidance on how to get there.

It’s for men who are facing sexual dissatisfaction and relationship challenges and want to get better in bed for themselves, for their partner(s) for good.

What do you mean by ejaculatory choice?

Ejaculatory choice refers to the ability to consciously decide when to ejaculate or whether to ejaculate at all during sexual activity. Achieving this level of control demands a heightened awareness and connection with the body’s sensations.

Similar to mastering any skill, such as learning to drive or play a musical instrument, it often involves dedicated learning or relearning processes. This requires striking a delicate balance between conscious and unconscious activity.

Just as a skilled musician can produce a beautiful melody with a flute, a man who attains this level of bodily awareness can enhance intimacy, making it truly extraordinary.”

I have premature Ejaculation (PE) How can Sexual Empowerment help me?

If you’re struggling with premature ejaculation (PE), Sexual Empowerment could be a game-changer for you. Rather than feeling like ejaculation is out of your control, The Sexual Empowerment Programme focuses on helping you gain mastery over your sexual energy, your arousal levels and ejaculation timing.

This involves developing a deeper connection between your mind and body, which allows you to experience sexual energy and potency in a different way that gives you more ejaculation choice.

Think of it as a pathway to embodying your sexuality fully, enabling you to choose when to ejaculate and enhancing your overall sexual satisfaction.

So, if you’re tired of feeling like PE is calling the shots, This programme can help you to claim choice and pleasure in your intimate experiences.

What do you mean by embodiment?

The concept of Embodiment, or to Embody something, is the idea that it’s not just the mind that holds and stores your memories and experiences.It’s about how our bodies encapsulate our life’s journey. Emotions, beliefs, memories, and reactions are all etched into our physical being. Take, for instance, the way negative thoughts about body image or sexual prowess can seep into our actions, leading to avoidance or anxiety in intimate situations.

In our collaborative journey, we’ll explore the vibrant tapestry of experiences you wish to embody, gently nudging aside outdated norms and expectations. This adventure isn’t just about overcoming hurdles; it’s about forging a profound bond with your body’s deepest desires and yearnings. Through this process, we’ll sculpt a new embodiment—one infused with joy, pleasure, and enriching connections.

What do you mean by ‘heart connected sex and ‘sacred sexuality’’?

Heart connected sex and sacred sexuality both emphasise a deeper level of intimacy beyond physical pleasure. In heart connected sex, partners consciously choose to open their hearts, fostering a connection based on relaxation, acceptance, and mutual appreciation. This level of intimacy can enhance any relationship, whether long-term or brief, requiring a willingness to embrace vulnerability and cultivate emotional strength. Sacred sexuality encompasses this approach, viewing sexual experiences as opportunities for spiritual connection and growth.

What is Sexual Partner Surrogacy, and how does this work in the Sexual Empowerment Programme?

Sexual Surrogacy, or Surrogate Partner Therapy, traces its roots back to the 1970s when sexologists Masters and Johnson pioneered this approach. They believed that genuine understanding of sexual intimacy could only be attained through direct experience with another person. To facilitate this, they developed specific techniques and protocols for safe and professional practice.

Trained surrogate partners collaborate with clients to address both physical and emotional barriers to fulfilling sexual intimacy that may require the involvement of a partner. Beyond addressing sexual dysfunctions, confidence issues, or inexperience, the surrogacy services offered through The Sexual Empowerment Programme delve into deeper realms of intimacy, connection, and sacred sexuality.

How much does the Sexual Empowerment Programme Cost?

Prices range from £250 to £4,950 depending on the level of coaching support you want to experience.

Can I pay in instalments?

Yes there are a number of options available, from paying upfront, or through the Klarna app or monthly by bacs. Payment plan options can be discussed during your Complimentary Call.

How can you help me recover from delayed ejaculation?

Helping men recover from delayed ejaculation, also known as retarded ejaculation, involves addressing the frustration and challenges they face in achieving climax.

Some men may experience delayed ejaculation only during partner sex, while others may rely on porn or fantasies to reach orgasm. This difficulty can lead to feelings of frustration and disappointment, both for you and your partner.

My approach focuses on empowering men to have greater control over their arousal and ejaculation. Using specific techniques you will develop better communication and a sense of oneness between your mind and body, becoming more embodied and allowing for a deeper connection with your own sexuality.

We will work towards enhancing the experience of your sexual energy and potency and presence with the rhythms of your partner. Through this process, we would restore satisfaction and fulfilment to your intimate relationships.

I’m Struggling with erectile dysfunction (ED)? Can I regain my erection?"

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition where men face challenges in achieving or maintaining an erection.

This can stem from various factors such as prostate issues, circulatory problems, medication side effects, low libido, psychological barriers like anxiety or low self-esteem, and reliance on porn or fantasies.

While medical prescriptions are often recommended, they may not be effective for everyone and can trigger side effects.

In the Sexual Empowerment Programme, you will explore your body in a new way, becoming more attuned to your body’s cues and desires. Working with the interrupting thoughts and trauma responses creates more safety in your intimacy and many men experience significant improvement in erectile function.

For others, loving acceptance where function cannot be regained may play a role in your journey. Regardless, finding pleasure through alternative approaches and reframing intimacy can be eye opening and fulfilling. Exploring softer approaches to arousal and embracing a holistic view of intimacy can lead to some new and very satisfying experiences.

I’m sexually inexperienced, how will this course help me?

People move into sexual intimacy at different stages of their lives. For some the delay can be a choice, for others it could be due to trauma, fear, shyness, difficulty communicating or for other reasons. And so as well as practical, body to body practice sessions as part of stages 2 and 3, the programme offers deep insights into healing and moving through some of these blocks to intimacy.

The Sexual Empowerment Programme offers a wealth of insights and practical techniques to help make your sexual experiences feel confident, relaxed, satisfying and pleasure filled – for life

What do you mean by consent?

Understanding consent goes beyond a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response. Factors like gender, age, status, arousal, and social expectations can all influence a person’s decision-making process. Dr. Betty Martin’s Wheel of Consent offers a nuanced approach to navigating consent dynamics. As a touch professional, I’ve undergone extensive training in the Wheel of Consent, allowing me to create clear agreements and empower clients to make informed choices during sessions. This understanding of consent extends beyond our sessions, enriching relationships beyond our time together.

I don't have a partner, can I still take the course?

Yes of course. There are a range of options available to you if you are flying solo which we can discuss during your Consultation Call

I’m not sure I need the whole programme can I just do Stage 1?

Yes absolutely! Stage 1 Self Empowerment and The Art of Mindful Self Pleasure Programme are very similar in content and you choose this programme instead. If you later decide you want to experience Stages 2 and 3 of The Sexual Empowerment Programme, we can discuss this when the time arrives

I’m not sure that I need stage 1, can I go straight onto Stages 2 and 3?

My experience of working with men is that the foundations of getting in touch with and owning your innate, full healthy masculine power and powerful sexual energy have to happen as a foundational piece before a man can truly experience authentic and supportive heartfelt and erotic connection with another. And so the Sexual Self-Empowerment Stage 1 is a prerequisite for Stages 2 and 3

Unlock your potential, book your Complimentary Call and start your journey to Sexual Empowerment!

Sexual Empowerment Experiences...

“I went to Sian for getting help to unlock my psychological potential. Sian has vast knowledge of her domain and above all I have found her very kind and as a great listener. She listened to me patiently to get the understanding about how she can help me and then explained how we may proceed; she offers her courses both online and in person which is another great advantage for me. I highly recommend Sian if anyone having any Psychophysical issues like me.”

Sexual Empowerment Experiences...

“I worked with Sian on The Sexual Empowerment Programme for 20 hours of face-to-face sessions over 7 months, plus time for homework and practice of new techniques between each session. It has been the greatest, most revelatory, confidence-building, empowering 7 months I could have ever wished for. I feel more empowered, confident, and comfortable in my intimacy than ever before and my new relationship is blossoming better than I could have wished for too.

If you are in any doubt about your intimacy, for whatever reason, please come and see Sian. It has done so much for me, and it really can for you too.”

Sexual Empowerment Experiences...

“I really enjoyed our session on Friday. It just felt really good to finally talk to someone about it and just sharing it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was dreading the session beforehand, but you put me at ease straight away and the more we did, the better I felt. And the work you did about not having shame just felt great.”

Sexual Empowerment Experiences...

“I am learning a lot. I’m only on Stage 1 so far and realising this is not just a programme about sexual empowerment, it is about how to live a good life! This should be prescribed for every young man entering manhood.”

Sexual Empowerment Experiences...

“Lovely to see and work with you again. I really loved the last session. I feel really lucky and honoured to be working with you. I am not sure I would be in the place I am now if I had tried to go it alone. I have felt a real deep appreciation… for the journey so far and look forward to the next session. Thank you.”

Sexual Empowerment Experiences...

“Sian is a delightful person who put me at ease immediately. You can share your problems. I would totally recommend her. She behaves in an utterly professional manner, giving advice and guidance but at the same time being friendly and warm.”

Sexual Empowerment Experiences...

“Thank you, Sian! For your help and guidance with completing the programme. I received a warm welcome, was listened to and went at a pace I was comfortable with. I learned so much and have improved my confidence, which was one of the main reasons I went ahead with it. I highly recommend working with Sian as she is passionate about what she does, and you can feel she cares.”

Sexual Empowerment Experiences...

“I’ve enjoyed working with Sian and have found the course to be very worthwhile. Sian has been great to work with: she is well informed and has many resources at her disposal. She has provided a safe environment to learn, discuss and explore without fear or prejudice. I would recommend Sian to anyone needing help with their relationship issues.” 

Sexual Empowerment Experiences...

“I wanted to say a big thank you for everything you’ve done for me over the last few months. The whole programme has felt life changing to be honest, all the anxiety that I had around intimacy pretty much feels like a thing of the past now. I really don’t know what I’d have done without you. I imagine it could still take a bit of ‘getting used to’ when it comes to actually sleeping with someone again, but I definitely don’t find the idea of it daunting anymore and definitely don’t feel the need to be relying on alcohol or avoiding sex altogether. I actually feel a little sad now that the programme is coming to an end! I’ve found you to be very supportive and understanding and also I had such a laugh with you at the same time.”

Sexual Empowerment Experiences...

My medical history was the main reason I took the first step in contacting you. I know first-hand keeping quiet and not addressing erectile or any other sexual issue is not a solution. It has to be spoken about and tackled head on. I know for males this is not an easy subject but given my history, I was more than willing to come forward and seek help. Thank you very much for all the help, support and the learning experience.” 

Sexual Empowerment Experiences...

“My experience of working with you and completing the programme was unique, intriguing and eye-opening. It was a rollercoaster of a learning experience as I never thought having control over ejaculation was even possible yet alone learnable. During my taster session with you and possibly the first and second session into the programme, I did feel this journey was not for me but decided to carry on. I’m not sure why, but very happy I did. What you have taught me is invaluable and literally life changing, and I will be forever grateful to you for this. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the whole learning experience in helping me achieve my goals and helping me feel empowered in my choices and decisions. Your teaching style is captivating, and you make the whole experience very enjoyable at the same time informative and to the point. I think what helps the experience even more is you mix your sessions with theory and practice. I would 100% recommend you without hesitation.”

Sexual Empowerment Experiences...

“You have helped me hugely the last three months. I’ve always had issues stripping off. Always been a bit ashamed of my body but I’ve felt so relaxed and comfortable in your presence. The last year has been a tough one for me and I’m very grateful to you for helping me pull through.”

Sexual Empowerment Experiences...

“I have recently completed the third and last level of The Sexual Empowerment Programme and I wanted to briefly share the experience I had with Sian. I started this program because of some premature ejaculation (PE) issues which can be very hard to solve. I have found this journey with her to be challenging but very positive. The first level especially is quite intense with the exercises, but when you learn at your own pace you gain self confidence which makes the whole difference. Sian gave me the knowledge and tools to be able to overcome PE and take my sexual life to the next step. She is a very nice person, a good listener and a good teacher. The power for change comes from our own self, but it is thanks to people like her that we can look at it and access it for our own growth! Thanks again Sian.”