The Art of Sexual

& Personal Mastery

Masturbation Coaching to Transform, Strengthen & Thrive


The Art of Sexual and Personal Mastery is a 6 to 12 week holistic coaching programme specifically for men that will help you not only master your sexual energy but to transform some of the blocks to pleasure that are currently in your way to the kind of playful, satisfying and ecstatic sexual relationship with yourself that you always wanted.

There is no time like now to step into your confident, empowered and erotically whole you!

Why wait? 


This is not just about better masturbation.

The Art of Sexual and Personal Mastery can help you to:

  • Develop exquisite embodied presence
  • Improve your body confidence
  • Listen to and follow what your body needs
  • Last longer – or to be more in choice about when you cum
  • Develop your sense of personal sexual power
  • Use porn, memory and fantasy more wisely
  • Step away from porn addiction
  • Dispel shame
  • Discover tantric masturbation
  • Celebrate your unique sexual self
  • Enjoy masturbation meditation
  • Explore yogic self-stimulation and orgasmic yoga
  • Experience solo spiritual sex
  • Challenge some of the myths, limiting self-beliefs and overcome blocks to pleasure
  • Master, sustain and direct your own sexual power

This can be an opportunity to grow in the art of pleasuring yourself, your whole self, so that all your body and your mind feels refreshed, alive and vibrant. The absence of feeling shameful and the presence of feeling honourable. Stepping fully into your glorious sexual masculinity and experiencing your arousal as a positive life force energy.

So if you want to experience ecstatic states of arousal, to master your sexual energy, to have more confidence and choice, to experience ecstatic states of sustained sexual arousal, and bring more confidence to the table of sexual delights for you and your partner(s), then this programme is for you. 

What is Sex Coaching?

In the same way that we might reach out for support to get more from your career or from your workouts at the gym;  coaching is a way of having an expert work alongside you to help you get from where you are now, to where you want to be. My coaching specialism is around sex and intimacy for men. And so I offer my skills and experience to help you access deeper and more profound experiences in your own body. Through the specific Masterbation Coaching Tecniques that I offer in The Art of Sexual and Personal Mastery, you have the opportunity to attend your very own one-to-one orgasm workshop over a number of weeks.

Why do people like you choose Masturbation Coaching?

I believe that masturbation is a natural and unique expression of our sexual selves. Yet there is so much shame, fear, disgust, negative humour and myths about masturbation. I grew up hearing about hairy palms, sin and going blind, and I know you did too. There is a whole system of taboo around masturbation that still exists: to the point where people still don’t talk about it. This silence, these myths, shame and unhelpful humour can create blocks to our innate pleasure and self-fulfilment.

Very few men are even aware that these blocks exist in them, they often manifest as:

  • Reduced sex drive / low libido
  • Porn use or overuse
  • Functional or boring masturbation
  • Feeling dirty or ashamed before, during or after masturbation
  • Rushing into the clean-up rather than savouring the sensations
  • Cumming quicker than you want to or not as soon as you would like
  • Eratic or absent erections
  • Or simply not bothering at all

What’s involved in Masturbation Coaching?

Most of us learn to masturbate during puberty, usually through wet dreams, fumbling around in the dark or watching how someone else does it in porn. Mindful Self Pleasure at this stage in life is an unknown concept.

We quickly find a way that works for us to get to orgasm and ejaculation as fast as possible; before we are discovered and it is here that shame creeps into our self-touch – even though we might not be aware of it at the time.

And so we develop patterns and habits in our technique that become ingrained and while they might be effective in achieving orgasm, it can be pretty monotonous.

Could it be better? Absolutely! Let me guide you to rewire your neurology, befriend your nervous systems and dispose of unhelpful patterns to be replaced with sensation, pleasure and joyful self-touch!

This is the art of pleasuring yourself; your whole self, body, heart and soul self, so that all of your body and your mind feels refreshed, alive and vibrant. The absence of feeling shameful and the presence of feeling honourable and stepping fully into your glorious and powerful sexual masculinity; experiencing your arousal as a positive life force energy.

Get what you need from The Art of Sexual and Personal Mastery so you can transform your exp[erience from basic, plain masturbation to erotic, joyful and sustainable self-pleasure!

The Art of Sexual and Personal Mastery

Programme Structure


Do It Yourself

Perfect for focussed people with determination on a budget

Access the online course

Self-directed learning

Go at a pace that feels right for you


6 modules


70 ways to love your raw sexy self


Access your healthy masculine power


Unlimited access to deep states of ecstasy


Infinite routes to sustaining your sexual arousal

Get Coached

Perfect for people who want the best bespoke support available

Access the online course

Self-directed learning

Enjoy a structured coaching programme


Free Initiation Call to begin


6 modules


70 ways to love your raw sexy self


6 sessions of 1-to-1, bespoke online coaching


Sessions spaced at 7 to 14 days apart


Access your healthy masculine power


Unlimited access to deep states of ecstasy


Infinite routes to sustaining your sexual arousal


Free Closing Session included in your package


Whichever route you choose, daily self-touch exercises of 20 – 60 minutes a day are an essential part of this programme.


Unique online programme materials including online instructional videos of real people being coached in real time. And audio files and written materials to support your learning, as well as recommended resources to extend your experience well beyond the programme.


Need support? no matter which route you choose, additional coaching hours can be booked with Sian Johnson on a session-by-session basis.


‘Why no prices? Because what I have crafted here isn't a one-size-fits-all service. I offer various ways of working together, and as each individual has unique needs, during our Consultation Call, we'll determine the best fit for you. I prioritise integrity over sales, ensuring that what I offer aligns with your specific circumstances. Transformation, not manipulation, is at the heart of my approach.


Wanna check out if this is right for you? Then book your no charge Consultation Call with me now!

The Small Yet Essential Small Print About The Art of Sexual and Personal Mastery

  • Completing daily homework is an essential and required part of your commitment to The Art of Sexual and Personal Mastery Programme
  • The field of human sexuality is complex and nuanced. Each of us have had varied and often difficult sexual experiences.
  • As each man’s experience is unique, it means that some men on the programme will require coaching or additional coaching sessions or may need additional support outside of this structure.
  • This is almost certainly the case where significant trauma and/or shame and attachment issues are uncovered during the course of the programme.

I donate a proportion of my earnings to the charity Women’s India Trust who help empower women to help themselves by providing access to education, vocational skills training and employment.

Experiences of The Art of Sexual & Personal Mastery...

“I have been to a number of tantra teachers over the past six years. I started going to online sessions with Sian several months ago and have been back on a regular basis. She is one of the very best tantra teachers I have been to. She is friendly, accepting and helpful. She has increased my capacity to experience pleasure enormously. She listens and teaches me what I need. She has a wealth of knowledge and techniques that are so beneficial and pleasurable. She has shown me new kinds of touch that have enhanced my sensual pleasure. Every session includes new learning. What she has taught me has significantly changed my mood, my happiness, and my enjoyment of life. I highly recommend Sian. I wish all humans could learn to experience such joy and pleasure. I also realise that people can learn new ways to experience pleasure at any age!”

Experiences of The Art of Sexual & Personal Mastery...

“I just completed five sessions with Sian. She is wonderful. She listens and cares. She made very useful and helpful suggestions. She helped me grow and learn in a gentle, positive way. I highly recommend Sian and the knowledge and care she brings to her sessions.”

Experiences of The Art of Sexual & Personal Mastery...

“I want to give thanks for Thursday’s appointment. It was extremely valuable and worthwhile for me, a top-drawer experience. The business-like approach combined with a friendly atmosphere was very good. As well as the pure pleasure of the day, you carefully coached me in the areas I needed to pay attention to and identified a key area where I need to give attention.”

Experiences of The Art of Sexual & Personal Mastery...

“Sian is a wonderful guide and mentor. She made me feel at ease from the moment I arrived, and I look forward to continuing my journey under her tutelage. If you are looking to improve or fulfil your intimacy potential, then I heartily recommend Sian’s courses.”

Experiences of The Art of Sexual & Personal Mastery...

“I’m messaging you nearly a year from when we last met. I wanted to take the opportunity to extend my gratitude to you for the work we undertook together – it was foundational in my journey and the changes have been life changing in my relationships with self and others. The journey continues for myself and I have had the opportunity to undertake further learnings and courses in my development. I hope one day we can work together again.”

“We’re not on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves. But in doing that you save the world”
Joseph Campbell