Hello, I’m Sian Johnson, Sex Coach for Men

I’m here with a heartfelt invitation to join me on a transformative journey. My mission is to help men break free from the constraints of societal myths and conditioning when it comes to sex, intimacy, desire, and relationships. Together, we’ll unlock the door to fully embodied, pleasure-filled sexual experiences that transcend shame, guilt, and anxiety.

As a professional sex coach, I’ve woven together a rich tapestry of knowledge and experience from leading-edge disciplines like Conscious Kink, Tantra, Tantric Massage, Coaching, Sexological Bodywork™, Sexual Partner Surrogacy, and The Wheel of Consent™. I’m proud to be a professional member of the Association of Sexological Bodyworkers and the Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists.

How did I arrive at this transformative path? Well, I’ve always sought to make the world a happier and healthier place through activism, the arts, and the not-for-profit sector. And then I reached a point where I became disillusioned and burned out. It was then that a dear friend asked me a pivotal question: “What’s your dream job?” That moment became a turning point in my life.

Because I have personally grappled with sexual dysfunction, destructive relationships, and sexual assault, both as a child and as an adult. For years, I felt disconnected from my own body and struggled to understand my boundaries, limits and consent. Instead of being deterred by these experiences, I found myself captivated and inquisitive about all aspects of sex and relationships. So, when I dared to speak my truth, I declared, “I want to be some kind of sex therapist!”

This revelation set off a profound journey of self-discovery, retraining, and healing the deep wounds surrounding sexuality and relationships. Along the way, I cleared the debris and mended my fractured relationship with men and the masculine. I embarked on a voyage to release the shame surrounding my body and sexuality. What I discovered was that this journey wasn’t just about sex; it encompassed my entire being—my body, heart, and soul. While my explorations began with sex, they radiated into every facet of my life. And I became a fearless and joyful explorer of my own sexuality, free from shame and more present and engaged in my relationships and in my life.

Now, I’ve encapsulated all of these life lessons, the many disciplines I have studied, and my client led professional experience into The Sian Johnson Academy for Men. Specifically crafted with you and your current or future relationships in mind. Helping you, if you are ready, to work through the blocks and barriers that are in your way. Is it time for you unlock your true healthy masculine power? Are you ready to join me, online or in person to reach for a fuller, more vibrant heart-led, body-based sexual and relationship life filled with vitality, authenticity and passion?

I am Your Dedicated Sex Coach for Men

I specialise in empowering men to achieve their sexual goals. Whether you prefer online or crave the immersive experience of in-person Sex Coaching, I’ve got you covered.

Explore the Possibilities Online: Embrace the convenience and confidentiality of online sessions, where you unlock your full potential, helping you achieve your desires and surpass your expectations. Discover The Art of Midful Self Pleasure and Discover the Silver and Gold Programmes

For those who seek the ultimate transformation, my Platinum Programme offers exclusive one-on-one in-person sessions. This is where profound shifts happen, and you’ll experience a journey like no other. Dive into the Platinum Sex Coaching Programme 

Working with men is my true calling and my area of expertise. I approach this work with boundless love and passion. Since 2017, I’ve been dedicated to helping men unearth and expand their own sense of sexual pleasure, joy, vitality, and freedom. I’ve guided them on a journey to discover their inner courage and embrace their healthy masculine power and sexual potential. Bringing this world together with my more recent experience of coaching couples, I am delighted to be helping men to find their way to connect with, or reconnect with, their beloveds through Body, Mind and Soul.

I firmly believe that all men can benefit from exploring their sexual selves, whether it’s through coaching on masturbation, finding a balanced approach to pornography, managing arousal, navigating diminishing desire, or rekindling passion in long-lasting relationships.

So, I invite you to take this step with me, to embark on a profound voyage of self-discovery and sexual empowerment. Together, we’ll embrace a future of greater sexual awareness, intimacy, and fulfilment. Your journey begins here. 

Ready to work with me? Book your free Call

Ethos and Practice

I live and work from a sex-positive perspective, respecting my own choices and the choices of others and doing what I can to promote healthier attitudes, perspectives, beliefs and behaviours around all aspects of sex and sexuality.

Some of my key values include:

Non-judgement: most of us judge ourselves harshly. Here, all of who you are is welcome, I will not judge or shame any part of you.

Compassion: From my own journey, I know how challenging making changes can be and my heart is open to you.

Professionalism: I work within ethical and professional codes of conduct, with you at the centre of everything we do.

Trust: building a robust, healthy and trusting rapport between us is a fundamental element of the safety you need for your personal growth.

Consent and boundaries: everything I offer in sessions is an invitation. You are actively encouraged to choose, in each moment, what you want to experience. 

Learning and pleasure: my work is experiential; learning through talking and through doing; exploration, discovery, touch, pleasure and playfulness.

Integrity: I will always prioritise your wellbeing over making sales and ensure that what I offer is tailored to and aligns with your specific circumstances.

My Intention in this Work

I bring my knowledge and experience of Tantra, Sexological Bodywork, Psychotherapy, Sexual Surrogacy, Trauma, Coaching and Consent to my speciality of creating non-judgemental and supportive spaces for men, to work through many of the issues they face around sex, intimacy, relationships and heart connections. 

I envision a world, where through our work together, we are undoing the harmful impacts of oppression and patriarchy on you, me and all genders. Doing this work together, means more of us can authentically express our relationship needs, our sexual desires, and bring these into richer, more authentic, passionate and connected, heart centred lives.

By stepping into this work together, we are changing the world one body, one heart, one soul at a time


I am passionate about offering a place where you can find your safety, where you can drop into your experience without any expectations or the need to please or perform, where you can move out of your head and connect with your body. You are actively supported to notice, value, trust and communicate whatever is going on in your body at any given time. And I will support you to recognise and communicate your needs and make choices from the wisdom of your body. 

“The greatest gift you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return”

Nat King Cole

Ready to work with me? Book your free Call 

To ensure my practice is as informed, ethical, safe and resourced as it can be, I undertake:

Peer support activities

Practitioner supervision

Personal therapy

Ongoing continuing professional development (CPD) with recognised, ethical and professional trainers in related and expanded fields

Membership of the professional body ASIS – see the full Code of Ethics & Ethical Codes of Practice for ASIS

Membership of the professional body ACSB – see the full code of ethics for ACSB

Full insurance with BGI

Relevant training and experience

Completed training:

Leora Lightwoman: Levels 1-3 and assisting

Jan Day: Living Tantra Training 18 month programmes (LTT8: 2016/17) and assisting (LTT10: 2018/19)

ISTA – International School of Temple Arts: Level One

John Hawken: The Paths of Transformation (2-day intro)

Bondassage: Bringing kink and massage together. Professional practitioner certification.

Seani Love/School of Erotic Mysteries: Practitioner Training in Shadow Tantra and Conscious Kink. So good I did it twice!

The Sea School of Embodiment: Sexological Bodywork™

Betty Martin/School of Consent: Wheel of Consent – Like a Pro for practitioners. So good I did it twice!

John Hawken/Pathways Studios: Transformational Tantra Massage Module one

Ralph Watson/SPEAKup: 1in50 Coaching Challenge

CPCAB – Yorkshire Counselling Training: Counselling Skills Levels 2 and 3

Catherine Hale: Trauma Awareness Training

Joseph Kramer/The Sea School of Embodiment: Sustained Sexual Arousal

Betty Martin/School of Consent: Wheel of Consent Facilitator Training


Current training:

Scarborough Counselling and Psychotherapy Training Institute: Gestalt Relational Psychotherapy (2020-2025)

I donate a proportion of my earnings to the charity Women’s India Trust who help empower women to help themselves by providing access to education, vocational skills training and employment.

What people say about working with me...

“I just completed five sessions with Sian. She is wonderful. She listens and cares. She made very useful and helpful suggestions. She helped me grow and learn in a gentle, positive way. I highly recommend Sian and the knowledge and care she brings to her sessions.”

The Art of Sexual & Personal Mastery

What people say about working with me...

“I have been seeing Sian for some years now and have thoroughly enjoyed what she offers and teaches, from Tantric Massage to Ecstatic Dancing. However, the day-long Tantric Fusion Retreat, which she designed specifically for me, took everything to a different level. Sian used the whole panoply of her experience, knowledge and techniques to guide me into a completely aroused but trance-like state driven by sexual energy. This was like nothing I had experienced before; it was the highest sustained arousal I have ever achieved. Over time, and with continued guidance from Sian, I am sure I will achieve my goal of totally self-aware transcendence.” 

The Tantric Fusion Retreat

What people say about working with me...

"I have now had the opportunity to experience giving and taking sexual pleasure in healthy space, probably for the first time in my life. I now feel excited about my sexual energy."

The Tantric Fusion Retreat

What people say about working with me...

“My experience of working with you and completing the programme was unique, intriguing and eye-opening. It was a rollercoaster of a learning experience as I never thought having control over ejaculation was even possible yet alone learnable. What you have taught me is invaluable and literally life changing, and I will be forever grateful to you for this. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the whole learning experience in helping me achieve my goals and helping me feel empowered in my choices and decisions. Your teaching style is captivating, and you make the whole experience very enjoyable at the same time informative and to the point. I think what helps the experience even more is you mix your sessions with theory and practice. I would 100% recommend you without hesitation."

The Sexual Empowerment Programme

What people say about working with me...

“The Tantric Fusion Retreat is an opportunity to put the heavy responsibilities I have to one side so that I can really drop into my natural ecstatic self. I’m experiencing orgasmic energy now that I’ve never felt before. It’s taken a while, but this is what I have been seeking for years and through working with Sian I have finally found it.”

The Tantric Fusion Retreat

What people say about working with me...

"The whole programme, which took me seven months to complete, has been completely transformative for me. I’m not the same person I was when I started. It’s been a huge commitment, particularly from the emotional perspective, but I can honestly say that it’s been one of the most worthwhile things I’ve ever done. I now understand why I was held back from forming relationship before. I don’t know what the future will hold, but thanks to Sian I do know that I’m now much better equipped to make the most of it!"

The Sexual Empowerment Programme

What people say about working with me...

“I’d heard about Sian from a Tantra Festival where she was running a workshop and I got in touch to see if I could work with her on a problem that has been with me for 35 years. I had at this point pretty much accepted defeat. I doubted that I could fully express my masculine side ever again!

I admit, I was very nervous to begin with, but Sian helped me to relax and guided me to make choices during the session and go at a pace that was just right for me. I’m so glad I went ahead with this. The talking part was essential to begin with and the bodywork was the deepest I have ever experienced.

In just one session I got clear glimpses of how to move forward. Sian’s generosity in that session was a gift to me that I will always treasure, it was the key that unlocked me and led me through the fear to exactly where I wanted to be. It was all just life changing!

Me and my body are so grateful for the opportunity to experience what Sian and I shared.”

The Tantric Fusion Retreat

What people say about working with me...

“I’d like to thank you again for a very positive experience last week. It is a testament to your skill, training and professionalism that I felt so comfortable and found it so rewarding. The intentions that were set were all fully satisfied and I’m sure there will be many other benefits. It’s obviously no coincidence that since the session I’ve have felt an increase in my sense of vitality, wellbeing and confidence. It was really good to re-connect with my masculine and sexual self in such a safe, welcoming and encouraging environment. I have challenged myself to harness this power and confidence and to carry it forward."

The Tantric Fusion Retreat

What people say about working with me...

“Sian is a wonderful guide and mentor. She made me feel at ease from the moment I arrived, and I look forward to continuing my journey under her tutelage. If you are looking to improve or fulfil your intimacy potential, then I heartily recommend Sian’s courses.”

The Art of Sexual & Personal Mastery

What people say about working with me...

"I have learnt so much during the programme and it has introduced many techniques and strategies to help address my premature ejaculation. The touch exercises have given me an understanding of the nuances of being touched and touching. I had no idea that self touch could be so fulfilling having previously thought it was always a poor second and perhaps not the real thing. I have also gained a huge amount of confidence in knowing and asking for what I want within a consensual relationship. The programme was a rollercoaster of emotions and sometimes frustration but what a great way to learn and Sian is the perfect teacher — always patient, always kind and always fun."

The Sexual Empowerment Programme

What people say about working with me...

“I want to give thanks for Thursday’s appointment. It was extremely valuable and worthwhile for me, a top-drawer experience. The business-like approach combined with a friendly atmosphere was very good. As well as the pure pleasure of the day, you carefully coached me in the areas I needed to pay attention to and identified a key area where I need to give attention.”

The Art of Sexual & Personal Mastery

What people say about working with me...

“I am learning a lot. This is not just a programme about sexual empowerment, it is about how to live a good life! This should be prescribed for every young man entering manhood.”

The Sexual Empowerment Programme

What people say about working with me...

“I have been to a number of tantra teachers over the past six years. I started going to online sessions with Sian several months ago and have been back on a regular basis. She is one of the very best tantra teachers I have been to. She is friendly, accepting and helpful. She has increased my capacity to experience pleasure enormously. She listens and teaches me what I need. She has a wealth of knowledge and techniques that are so beneficial and pleasurable. She has shown me new kinds of touch that have enhanced my sensual pleasure. Every session includes new learning. What she has taught me has significantly changed my mood, my happiness, and my enjoyment of life. I highly recommend Sian. I wish all humans could learn to experience such joy and pleasure. I also realise that people can learn new ways to experience pleasure at any age!”

The Art of Sexual & Personal Mastery

What people say about working with me...

"I worked with Sian on the Sexual Empowerment Programme with 20 hours of face-to-face sessions over 7 months, plus time for homework and practice of new techniques between each session. It has been the greatest, most revelatory, confidence-building, empowering 7 months I could have ever wished for. I feel more empowered, confident, and comfortable in my intimacy than ever before and my new relationship is blossoming better than I could have wished for too."

The Sexual Empowerment Programme

What people say about working with me...

“I’m messaging you nearly a year from when we last met. I wanted to take the opportunity to extend my gratitude to you for the work we undertook together – it was foundational in my journey and the changes have been life changing in my relationships with self and others. The journey continues for myself and I have had the opportunity to undertake further learnings and courses in my development. I hope one day we can work together again.”

The Art of Sexual & Personal Mastery

What people say about working with me...

“I wanted to say a big thank you for everything you’ve done for me over the last few months. The whole programme has felt life changing to be honest. All the anxiety that I had around intimacy pretty much feels like a thing of the past now. I really don’t know what I’d have done without you.

I imagine it could still take a bit of ‘getting used to’ when it comes to actually sleeping with someone again, but I definitely don’t find the idea of it daunting anymore and definitely don’t feel the need to be relying on alcohol or avoiding sex altogether.

I actually feel a little sad now that the programme is coming to an end! I’ve found you to be very supportive and understanding and also I had such a laugh with you at the same time.”

The Sexual Empowerment Programme

What people say about working with me...

“I have recently completed the third and last stage of the Sexual Empowerment Programme. I started this programme because of some premature ejaculation issues. I have found this journey with her to be challenging but very positive. The first level especially is quite intense with the exercises, but you learn at your own pace and gain self-confidence. Sian gave me the knowledge and tools to be able to overcome premature ejaculation and take my sexual life to the next step. She is a very nice person, a good listener and a good teacher.”

The Sexual Empowerment Programme

What people say about working with me...

“Thank you, Sian! For your help and guidance with completing the programme. I received a warm welcome, was listened to and went at a pace I was comfortable with. I learned so much and have improved my confidence, which was one of the main reasons I went ahead with it. I highly recommend working with Sian as she is passionate about what she does, and you can feel she cares.”

The Sexual Empowerment Programme

What people say about working with me...

“Your Tantric Fusion Retreat affected me in many ways. The whole bodywork session was the deepest I have ever experienced and just life changing. I had accepted defeat in ever fully expressing my masculine side again! You have given glimpses of how to do it and how I have taken the wrong approach for so long. Your generosity in giving is a gift to me that I will always treasure. It was the key that unlocked me and guided me through my fears to a wonderful, wonderful experience. Thank you so, so much for that, thank you for simply being you! It was everything I hoped for.”

The Tantric Fusion Retreat

What people say about working with me...

“I went to Sian for getting help to unlock my psychological potential. Sian has vast knowledge on her domain and above all I have found her very kind and as a great listener. She listened to me patiently to get the understanding about how she can help me and then explained how we may proceed. She offers her courses both online and in person which is another great advantage for me. I highly recommend Sian if anyone having any psychophysical issues like me.”

The Sexual Empowerment Programme

What people say about working with me...

“I have been to a number of tantra teachers over the past six years. I started going to online sessions with Sian several months ago and have been back on a regular basis. She is one of the very best tantra teachers I have been to. She is friendly, accepting and helpful. She has increased my capacity to experience pleasure enormously. She listens and teaches me what I need. She has a wealth of knowledge and techniques that are so beneficial and pleasurable. She has shown me new kinds of touch that have enhanced my sensual pleasure. Every session includes new learning. What she has taught me has significantly changed my mood, my happiness, and my enjoyment of life. I highly recommend Sian. I wish all humans could learn to experience such joy and pleasure. I also realise people can learn new ways to experience pleasure at any age!”

The Art of Sexual & Personal Mastery

What people say about working with me...

“My session yesterday was nothing short of amazing. Already I feel a deeper connection with myself and able to embrace my sexual energy, where before it felt like a threat. Already I can feel a change in other areas of my life. My energy has been truly cleansed."

The Tantric Fusion Retreat

What people say about working with me...

“You have helped me hugely the last three months. I’ve always had issues stripping off. Always been a bit ashamed of my body but I’ve felt so relaxed and comfortable in your presence. The last year has been a tough one for me and I’m very grateful to you for helping me pull through”

The Sexual Empowerment Programme

What people say about working with me...

“Sian is a delightful person who put me at ease immediately. You can share your problems. I would totally recommend her. She behaves in an utterly professional manner, giving advice and guidance but at the same time being friendly and warm.”

The Sexual Empowerment Programme

What people say about working with me...

“It felt really good to finally talk to someone and just sharing felt like a weight was lifted of my shoulders. I was dreading the session beforehand, but you put me at ease straight away and the more we did, the better I felt. The work you did about not having shame just felt great.”

The Sexual Empowerment Programme

What people say about working with me...

“I’ve enjoyed working with Sian and have found the course to be very worthwhile. Sian has been great to work with: she is well informed and has many resources at her disposal. She has provided a safe environment to learn, discuss and explore without fear or prejudice. I would recommend Sian to anyone needing help with their relationship issues.” 

The Sexual Empowerment Programme

What people say about working with me...

“With Sian, I have experienced most of the practices and teachings that she has now brought together in her new programme. If you join the programme with an open heart, I can honestly say that it will, if you let it, change your life for the better, for good”

The Sexual Empowerment Programme

What people say about working with me...

“It was a sensual, consensual and sensational experience. What more can I say? I was taken to the edge and then beyond the boundaries of my previous experience. Thank you so much.”

The Tantric Power Retreat

What people say about working with me...

“You were almost immediately, with gentle probing questions, able to understand me, better than myself it seemed. Time seemed to stand still as I began little by little to understand the importance of being aware much more of my sensations, thoughts and feelings.”

The Tantric Power Retreat

“We’re not on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves. But in doing that you save the world”
Joseph Campbell