Tantric Pleasure Coaching: Learn sexual mastery for men and explore full body orgasm

Ever felt stuck or compelled by porn? Are your usual routines feeling, well routine? Does your morning wood wake you up with less enthusiasm?

You can learn to experience energy orgasm or full body orgasm with my tantric pleasure coaching for men. This path leads to sexual mastery for a deeper connection to your body and your partner.

“Whoever gives reverence receives reverence.”


How can I experience more pleasure, sex magic and increase staying power?

Ever felt stuck or compelled by porn? Did you know that instead of shutting down your desires, porn addiction recovery can be most effective with somatic masturbation coaching where you keep enjoying your erotic self through self touch.

Are your usual routines feeling, well routine? Does your morning wood wake you up with less enthusiasm?

There are so many more fulfilling ways to enjoy your body, your arousal and your desire!
Masturbation coaching can help you to get the most from your body, take your solo sex from basic, plain masturbation to longer-lasting, erotic, joyful and honouring self pleasure!

Just contemplate those words for a moment:

• longer–lasting
• erotic
• joyful
• honouring

This is not just about better self-sex, masturbation coaching can help you to:

  • Develop exquisite embodied presence
  • Improve your body confidence
  • Listen to and following what your body needs
  • Last longer – or to be more in choice about when you cum
  • Develop your sense of personal sexual power
  • Help you use porn, memory and fantasy more wisely and step away from porn addiction
  • Dispel shame
  • Discover tantric masturbation
  • Celebrate your unique sexual self
  • Enjoy masturbation meditation
  • Explore yogic self-stimulation and orgasmic yoga
  • Experience solo spiritual sex
  • Challenge some of the myths, limiting self-beliefs and overcome blocks to pleasure

This can be an opportunity to grow in the art of pleasuring yourself, your whole self, so that all your body and your mind feels refreshed, alive and vibrant. Say goodbye to feeling shameful and say hello to feeling honourable. Are you ready to step fully into your glorious sexual masculinity and experience your arousal as a positive life force energy?

So if you want more from your masturbation, to discover better self pleasure techniques and to experience greater pleasure in your body, then this Masturbation Coaching is for you.

What is Masturbation Coaching?

In the same way that we might reach out for support to get more from our career or from our workouts at the gym; coaching is a way of having an expert work alongside you to help you get from where you are now to where you want to be. My coaching specialism is around sex and intimacy for men. And so I offer my skills and experience to help you get more from your own self-touch. This is your opportunity to attend your very own one-to-one orgasm workshop over a number of weeks.

I offer two exclusive options to access my Masturbation Coaching programme ‘The Art of Personal and Sexual Mastery’. Check them out here.

As Seen In

I have been featured as an expert in my field in a variety of media publications including the following media appearances:

  • Podcasts

    Men Need Empowerment too! Part of The Kinky Coffee Break podcast series with Lex Ryder of Pleasure Rebels. Available on Spotify and on YouTube
    Sex, Men and Communication Part of the I Do Consent Podcast series with Jenn Wilson, available on Spotify and in this blog
    Healthy Masculinity and Manhood. Part of the Streamlining Diamonds Podcast Series with Peneleapaí Hosted on Holistic Radio

  • Public Speaking on video

    Here are some of the talks I’ve given:
    The Sex Lectures Manchester: 4 videos on my You Tube Channel playlist -click here to watch
    And also here:
  • Sex Positive Panel Discussions

    • My passion for my work and this industry, means I am always looking for ways to help reach more people who are looking to improve for personal growth and to enhance their sex life. So I created and the Sunday Sex School.
    • The first series of 8 events ran between January – June 2024, recordings are posted on my You Tube Channel and in this specific playlist
    • A 2nd series is coming soon!
  • Festival Appearances

    • Online: Midlife Sex Festival: https://www.midlifesexfestival.com/
    • Online: Tantric Man Summit: appearance as part of a 2 day festival online
    • In Person: Ecstatic Dance Festival @Osho Leela – Consent Workshops x2
    • In Person: Thrive Festival, Sowerby Bridge: Living Authentically: Escaping The People Pleasing Trap Workshop
  • Workshops and Events

  • Media Enquiries

    • I welcome media enquiries and invitations for blog posts, podcasts, public speaking, and to run events and workshops from 1.5 hours to 5 days.
    • Contact me at sian@sianjohnson.com